Dr. Roberta Krauss
A Child and Adolescent Psychology Practice
410 Lancaster Avenue, Suite 9, Haverford PA 19041

Evaluations are comprehensive and involve multiple appointments: an initial appointment with parents to discuss the questions for the evaluation, the developmental history and the educational history; with younger children, an observation at school can be included; three morning testing sessions at the Haverford office; and, once testing is complete, a final meeting is scheduled with parents to discuss the results and recommendations within the written report. All evaluations are required to be confidential, and information is only shared with your child's school with your permission and a signed Release of Information form. Consent for professional services is required by both parents.
Administration of the WPPSI-IV or WISC-V as required by the independent school application process is also available; this is completed in a single morning session with a written report available in about one week.
For children who have already had testing within the public school system including Early Intervention, consultation is available to help parents understand test results and needs for specialized programming, therapies, or learning strategies.
Individual therapy and parent consultations are scheduled on an hourly basis. Before therapy with a child begins, a one hour intake appointment with parents is scheduled to discuss concerns and the developmental history.
Dr. Krauss does not accept or participate in any insurance plans and payment is due at the time of the appointment; receipts for payment are provided.